Psychologization in television (Discourse analysis of the "Bookaholic(ketabbaz)" talk show)

Document Type : Research Paper


Department of Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran



The problematic of this article is to describe the mechanisms and consequences of the process of psycholgization. The article argues that this process is the result of macroeconomic political relations, but its mechanisms and consequences are hiding by psychological mechanisms. In order to show the characteristics of this phenomenon, the TV talk show "KetabBaaz"(bookaholic) has been subjected to discourse analysis.
The central propositions of the six final programs of the introduction of the book in this program are accepting the status quo and tolerating it, encouraging individuals to get rid of alienation that is structural product, mental flexibility to accompany the changes in the world, reducing greed to curb capitalism, disobedience to expand the market and remove mental barriers to stalishing status que. Adapting to the status quo is all in line with psychologization and individual change to adapt to the fluid flows of the market.
This article concludes that by depoliticizing and de-economizing the existing situation, the reduction of macro problems to the individual reduces the phenomena to the individual and justifies and legitimizes macro relations, which serves neoliberalism as the dominant order of the world. In this way, the process of domination is taken for granted and deepened, and the only way to face it is to equip a person with survival skills in this exhausting competition and as a result, acquit the system


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