A comparative study of the role of social, political and cultural structures in the trend of documentary photography in Iran during the two periods of Eslahat and Mehrvarzi.

Document Type : Research Paper


Ph.D in Art Studies, Assistant prof, Department of photography, Faculty of Visual and Fine Arts, Art University of Isfahan.



The article explores a comparative study of the role of social, political and cultural structures on the process of documentary photography as a medium in the Eslahat period with the Mehrvarzi period, and examines that how is the role of the ruling power policies on the documentary photography trend in the two periods studied from the perspective of two sociologists of art, Lukacs and Hauser. In this qualitative research, the research method is descriptive-analytical and information collection is through review of printed written and electronic literature.
Research finding show that documentary photography in the two periods of Eslahat and Mehrvarzi was influenced by the policies and ideology of the ruling power. By creating an open political and social space in the Eslahat government, documentary photography could relatively reflect the spirit of the times, but critical realism could not happen. publication of newspapers, appearance of news agencies, organizing competitions, photography annuals, exhibitions and publishing photography books led to the development of social and news documentary photography, but in Mehrvarzi's government, these cases were accompanied by strict control in due to not being idealistic and contradicting the ideology of the ruling power.The documentary photography movement in the Mehrvarzi period is a continuation of the photography movement in the Eslahat period but with the blocking of the political space and sequestration of newspapers, the activity of photographers gradually became more limited, as a result, documentary photography from outer spaces was shifted to interior spaces and studios, and the spirit of the time was reflected in the form of conceptual and artistic photography, translation of photographic texts and books and instead of professional photographers, citizen-journalists played a fundamental role in reflecting the documentary images of this period using cell phone cameras and new communication tools.


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