Semiotic Analysis and Operation of Ideology in Historical Series: The Ccase of "Dar Chesme-e Baad”

Document Type : Research Paper


Department of Cultural Studies and Communication, Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies


This article analyses An Iranian Historical TV series that called “Dar Cheshm-e Baad” (In the Eyes of The Wind) to explore operation of Ideology by semiotic analysis and historical review. Two main components in mentioned series are the institution of the press and, political figures in Iranian history. Signs and documents are compared based on theoretical synthesis between Hall’s construction of meaning and Thompson’s operation of Ideology. For this, the film watched more than 10 times and two main factors extracted as Press and Political actors. The signs of these Factors analyzed by Fisk’s semiotic analysis and they matched to competing narratives by historical documents. According to findings the film has been able to strengthen the ideology of the Islamic Republic of Iran by means of deleting, selecting and altering of historical statements by using three modes: a) Normalization through representing certain statements and ignoring other narratives to feature the social and political events of that time b) Legitimization upon the whole elements c) fragmentation through the destitution of some key political characters.Using This modes, historical narratives boost the Ideology of Islamic Republic of Iran. This study shows that using historical documents in semiotic analysis provides rich tool for studying the operation of Ideology in film analysis.


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