The role of Kurdish novel in deconstructing dominant historiography

Document Type : Research Paper



Golly Shoran, written by Atta Nahai, is a well-known Kurdish novel which presents a different narrative of the life and history of the Kurds in the era of the Second World War. By different narrative, we mean that this novel challenge two dominant historical narratives about the subaltern Kurds: orientalism and Iranian Nationalism. These two metanarratives often use a kind of writing and discourse which ignores the voice and experience of this subaltern people and reproduces their subaltern position. This research claims that some Kurdish novel (hear Golly Shoran) provide a counter narrative and deconstruct dominant historical representations of Kurds. The main question is that how do these novel challenge these grand narrative and by means of which devices and mechanisms? We have explored this issue through using postcolonial theories and deconstruction methodological tools. The findings show that Golly Shoran has provided a different story about the historical subaltern conditions of the Kurds and deconstructed the binary oppositions through which the dominant historiography has pictured Kurdish culture and history. So this novel provides a different picture of the Kurds and their historical lived experiences, something which is almost perfectly ignored in orientalism and Iranian nationalism. In this way, it deconstruct these two metanarratives.


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