The Sociological Approach to goals and achievements of Authorship in Children based on the lived experience of children as authors of Tehran institute of Intellectual Development Center

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Sociology, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Social science, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran



Introduction: Children's authorship is a way to demonstrate the agency of children in their own childish world. The sociology of childhood has introduced a new definition of childhood, which sheds light on the interactions between adults and children in society. This new approach recognizes children as beings, rather than just becoming, and emphasizes their agency. Authorship is a key tool for children to enhance their thinking abilities. This study aims to explore the phenomenon of children as authors from a modern sociological perspective. The article delves into the goals and achievements of children as authors.
Research Method: This is a qualitative research study in the descriptive phenomenology and the method of sampling is also qualitative method. Unstructured in-depth study was used and thirty-five samples were selected from among the children of the of Tehran institute of Intellectual Development Center. The research findings were analyzed using Colizzi's method and Max qda 2020 software.
Results: This segment of the study encompasses twenty-seven open codes presented as a sub-category entitled "The Goals and Achievements of children as author ". This sub-category boasts the highest number of codes in quantitative terms, as well as the most diverse range of responses in terms of quality. The data illustrates the specific desires that children seek to fulfill through this particular course of action.
Discussion: The foundation of this article based on the Children's stories about the goals, they want to achieve through authorship and their achievements present and future by narration in their's tongue. Since childhood, every human being has a desire to achieve goals in life, therefore Children who author in the current research also consider goals and achievements in their present and future perspectives that they try to achieve and then through the path of authorship and update their agency.
