Sociological analysis of the feelings of the protagonist of the story "Lakhizr" by Yasmina Saleh based on Kemper's theory

Document Type : Research Paper


1 صیاد شیرازی ۴۰ پلاک ۶۴

2 Department of Arabic Language and Literature. Faculty of Literature and Human Sciences, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad. Iran



Emotions are considered as the most important biological, psychological and social structures, the key tools of humans to create a dynamic relationship with the world inside and outside. With the argument that a huge part of emotions are produced and institutionalized in humans through society, a branch of sociology emerged in recent decades, which is known as the sociology of emotions. A group of contemporary theorists of this branch, relying on the primary emotions of sadness, happiness, fear and anger and dividing it into three types of structure, expectation and consequence, analyzes the power and dignity that a person acquires through social situations.Since the adaptation of the models of this branch of studies in the literary text helps to discover new layers of the emotionality of the texts, the present research examines the feelings in the novel "Lakhdir" written by Yasmina Saleh, an Algerian writer, using the analytical descriptive method. to reveal a view of hidden power in the social structure in Arab countries. The results of the research indicate that the indicators of power and dignity in the analysis of the character of the protagonist are consistent with the situations argued by Kemper, and respectively, the situational contexts of sadness (39%) and fear (31%) have the highest frequency compared to other primary emotions. .In order to reach the top of the pyramid of power, the protagonist has come to believe that in response to the social environment, by focusing on the expected and consequential emotions described by Kemper, he can dynamically change from a passive person and influenced by circumstances to an active actor. and become an absolute power by applying its characteristics to the social environment.


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