Analyzing the aesthetics of reception in the novels Dalane Behesht and Paiz, fasle akhare sal ast with the perspective of Feminist literature

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Persian Language and Literature, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran.

2 Associate Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Razi University of Kermanshah



Studying literary works in accordance literary theories is one of the most practical methods of criticism, which leads to the production of meaning for the audience. In the context these studies, literary works become a tool to reflect the conditions of the society and in this way help increase the level of awareness and social recognition their audience. The theory of receiving aesthetics is theory of narratology. This theory considers the action of the text as the creator of the horizon of literary expectation in the reader, which is the result of the production of the work. In this regard, social horizons attract the audience to the work. In fact, the collective patterns in the audience's mind are his mental framework, which is influenced by the conditions prevailing in the society, and along with the artistic horizon of the work, it is considered a determining factor in the continuation of the reading of that work.The current research with a qualitative study seeks to find the acceptance factors of the two novels Dalane Behesht and Paiz, fasle akhare sal ast, is with the audience. For this purpose, it examines the horizon of expectations and its compliance with the collective components in these two works with thematic analysis method. The present research examines the horizon of expectations its compliance with collective components in two novels, Dalan Behesht and Paiz, fasle akhare sal ast, with a qualitative study and thematic analysis method. The findings of this research show that the Dalan Behesht, with a traditional view of women, deals more with issues in which men's voices are the dominant voice, which in the Paiz, fasle akhare sal ast,, more diverse issues related to women in this work. which is consistent with the components and horizon of collective expectations related to the woman-centered perspective.


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