Reflecting the concept of liberation in the themes of the national anthems of Iran, Venezuela and Cuba Based on the theory of Herbert Marcuse

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Amirabad shomali, 2 Str. ,No.40, App 15

2 Azad University of Semnan, Semnan



National anthems along with the flag are the most important national symbols of countries and in terms of ranking, they are placed in the first category of national symbols. The national anthem of the countries, which is also their official anthem, is a concise, artistic and auspicious mixture of words and music, whose words, with all their brevity, indicate the type of culture, society, language, history, religion, ethics, race, nature, government, It is the ideal of its people and their land, and its musical sounds express the spirit of patriotism, hospitality, pacifism, growth, happiness, love and respect for the nations of other countries, behind all of them, Azarakhshi. It is also hidden from the spirit of bravery, bravery, defense and invincibility against the attack and domination of potential enemies. In this research, we have investigated the concept of liberation based on Marcuse's theory in the themes of the national anthems of Iran, Venezuela and Cuba, which faced the revolution, with a descriptive and analytical method. The results show that the national anthems after the revolution of the mentioned countries often do not have a nationalist aspect and most of the slogans are revolutionary and are against the global capitalist system. They often seek to create unity among supporters of the revolutionary cause worldwide. This hymn has an Islamic theme in Iran and is consistent with the oppressed Muslims of the world. The music of these hymns is close to a military march, its rhythm is fast and similar to revolutionary songs. In fact, revolutionaries come to work and want to make extensive and revolutionary changes in the true sense of the word. What is more prominent in these hymns than other themes is the idea of liberation and freedom, which is very closely related to Marcuse's concept of liberation.


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