"The sound of silence" A post-colonial reading of the novel "Admiring Silence" by Abdulrazak Gurnah

Document Type : Research Paper


Sociology, social science, Razi University



"Sound of Silence" is a reflection on one of the works of Abdulrazak Gurnah, an African novelist who won the Nobel Prize for Literature, in 2021. The purpose of the article is to examine the signs of interactions between the two social worlds of the colonizer and the colonized, which, like the suffering engraved on the consciousness/unconsciousness of the narrator, encourages a writer like Gurnah to write about his destiny. The whole life of the author/narrator has been involved in colonialism and post-colonialism, and this is what imposes the post-colonial theoretical and methodological framework of this writing. The book "Admiring Silence" somehow expresses an ambivalent and shadowy whole that has one end in the homeland and the other end in exile. The book describes and compares the painful odysseys of sounds, colors, cultures, geographies, politics, etc. The main structure of the story and the driving force of the adventures are formed by dualities based on time, place, language, personality, culture and society. According to the historical nature of such novels, Gurnah's story has also put a human effort on paper to be the voice of Subalterns. His success rate is fluctuating and ambiguous. This silent work is expression of wounds.


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