A sociological criticism of the novel Booklessness by Mohammadreza Sharafi Khabooshan

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD student of Persian language and literature, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran

2 Associate professor of Persian language and literature, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran



Sociological criticism is a well-known practice in the domain of literary criticism. It focuses on the mutual relationship of literature and society so as to evaluate the reflection of social features in literary works. The focus is mainly placed on novel, which, among the literary genres, is the most consistent with real modern world. This study seeks to sociologically analyze the novel Booklessness by Mohammadreza Sharafi Khabooshan as a selected contemporary work of narrative literature. The aim is to assess the structural complexity of the novel in relation to the social matrix where it was written. To this end, references are made to the concept of object worship and the process of book degradation into a merely ornamental object. Moreover, certain subcultural features, such as booklessness, are discussed. As the case is, they first slip through social systems and then are practiced repeatedly enough to turn into a sort of habit. This habitus proceeds to be gradually ingrained and rest in dormancy. Years later, however, a certain social occasion awakens the dormant habitus and puts it back on the track. This issue is dealt with by the explanation of the sociology of literature and its theoretical fundaments. The historical events that underlie the novel Booklessness are also brought up to narrate the Qajar royal library robbery. The study sheds light on the depiction of the society in the novel by referring to the meaningful structures of the story as well as the character development under the influence of the circumstances in which the book was written.


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