Ecofeminism in the Contemporary Art of Iran (Case Study: Persbook Event)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. Student, Department of Art Studies, Faculty of Research Excellence in Art and Entrepreneurship, Art University of Isfahan.

2 Ass. Professor, Department of Art studies, Faculty of Research Excellence in Art and Entrepreneurship, Art University of IsfahanArt University of Isfahan



Persbook event has been active in Iran's art scene for more than a decade. This article, using Fairclough's critical discourse analysis method with a focus on ecofeminism, intends to study this event, especially the works of female artists participating in the fifth to tenth periods of the Persbook event. The most important question of this research is: How has the Persbook event interacted with the discoursive atmosphere of the decades of 1380 and 1390 AH  and the appearance of ​​ecofeminism? The results of this article show that Iran’s discoursive space in this period provided a basis for critical approaches in art that allowed attention to marginal narratives, including feminism in art, and subsequently, events such as Persbook with ecofeminist tendencies has emerged. Contemporary Iranian female artists in the context provided by events such as Pressbook, by challenging the ideal definitions of art and focusing on that part of women's work that was considered insignificant, have tried to give value and credibility to women's art and to establish a link between women, the earth and the ecosystem; and thus bring marginal narratives to the center and draw the audience's attention to the inequalities that go against women and the earth. Setting up annual press book events in the form of installation or environmental art and the use of media such as natural materials, crafts, strings, fabric, tapestry and abstract representation of female organs, gives the artworks a feminine-earthly meaning; a sign that both women and land have always been marginalized and oppressed by the patriarchal system.


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