The Narrative of Downfall: Justice Seeking as Rebellion in HatamiKia's cinema

Document Type : Research Paper


university qom



The development of literary theories at the beginning of the 20th century cannot be separated from the emergence of genetic structuralism as one of the critical methodologies of the 20th century. At the time, structuralism (which emphasizes the independence of literary works) and sociology literature (which emphasizes the relationship between literary works and factors outside the literary work, such as authors, society, and historical context) were in conflict. As a result, genetic structuralism arose to serve as a link between them. Sociologist Lucien Goldman, from France, created genetic structuralism. In his proposal, Goldman explains not only the theory but also the procedure for analyzing literary works. In this article, utilizing the theory of Lucien Goldman, we examine the themes of social reflection and the writers' worldview in the Holy Defense novels of the 80s and 90s (Atash Be Ekhtiar, Jamhaye Showkaran, Da, Soran Sard, Man Zende Am, and Fasle Javani). The mentioned novels were discussed. The Holy Defense novel's events were analyzed using a qualitative method and a library study, from a holistic perspective and from the writer's point of view. It was determined that the works of the Holy Defense authors, regardless of their attitude, are a product of the society in which the authors live. Additionally, their products are produced by society. The literary works of the period of the Holy Defense represent the general thoughts of society, thereby revealing the author's particular worldview, the representation of popular culture, the existence of differing perspectives on the war and the cultural affairs of the Holy Defense, and the condition of the entire society during the war. The behavior of each character in the novels reflects the entire society.


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