A comparative study of the paratextual function of the book cover design in the 70s and its current redesign

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor, the Higher Education Institute of Islamic Art and Thought, Qom, Iran,


Paratextuality, as one of the five types of transtextual features, was proposed in the framework of the structuralism paradigm by the French literary theorist and semiotician, Gérard Genette. Paratexts are textual excerpts surrounding the core text of a work, acting as a threshold for venturing into and comprehending the main text. A book cover, as a “simultaneous internal paratext” performs descriptive and promotional functions for the main text since the first encounter between the reader and the book is shaped through this visual frame.
The current study intends to make use of the descriptive analytical method and library studies to assess and evaluate the paratextual function of the book cover and its association with the discourses dominant at the time the work was created. The corpus selected for the study includes four different literary books published in Iran in the 1990s. About two decades later, these books were republished with new book cover designs. The findings of the study indicate that the book cover paratexts and their changes are a construct of transtextual factors including the cultural fabric of the society, the stylistic and artistic discourses common at the time of the creation of the work, publishing policies, and technological changes. Furthermore, during those two decades, the function of paratext shifted from a descriptive and narrative intent toward implicit and coercive implications. In other words, paratext has become an independent text.


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