Studying the reasons for the acceptance of the novel "The Forty Rules of love" in Iran

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Journalism, Faculty of communications

2 communication , Faculty of communication

3 faculty of communications


According to the book publishing statistics, the novel "The Forty Rules of Love" is one of the best-selling novels in recent years in Iran, and paying attention to the reasons and contexts of its popularity can help to understand the mood of society in this period. Therefore, the present study, through a qualitative study of the reasons for the tendency of female Instagram Users to the novel "The Forty Rules of Love", tried to find some of the issues raised around such a phenomenon in Iranian society. For this purpose, in-depth semi-structured interviews were conducted with twenty of these Users by means of Content Analysis and Purposeful sampling and Snowball sampling. According to the findings of this study, although it seemed that the audience was called by popular features and curious advertisements, but on the other hand, attention to the elements of the story such as form, content and author also indicates the selectivity of the audience and their agency in choosing this book, and in addition to the "propaganda wave" and "story appeal", the reasons for the tendency to study it can be attributed to another important factor, such as addressing issues such as "society's current issue" in Iran. It can be said that the social, cultural and political conditions of Iran are influential in the attention of this book, and among them, the role of Instagram in introducing and more attention to it has been very bold.


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