An Analytical Study of the Rakhsh Motif with an Emphasis on Rostam's Seven Trials in Tahmasebi Shahnameh

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professer at Alzahra University

2 Master , Department of Painting, Faculty of Arts, Al-Zahra University, Tehran, Iran.


In each period, the storyline of the stunningly illustrated edition of Shahnameh, involving sociological meaning, has been illustrated according to the different social perspectives and the personal style of artist. An analysis of composition and the visual concept of the motifs helps identify the the style and sociological features of each artist's painting.
In order to limit the scope of the study, Rakhesh motif is selected, and the purpose of this research is to discover the features of visual structure to examine the composition and visual structure of the Rakhsh motif on emphasizing the paintings of the Rostam's seven trials to recognize social perspectives and the personal style of artist. The main research questions are: How is these paintings unique in their composition, lins, coloring of Rakhesh in the paintings of the Rostam's seven trials in Tahmasbi's Shahnameh, and what are the similarities and differences in the different social perspectives of artists?
In the present study, the research method is descriptive-analytical and using library resources. The results of this study show that the Rakhsh as the main motif in these paintings is different in terms of shape and decoration, and also, has similarities. Artists have tried to combine this motif in expressing the visual theme of Rostam's seven trials. It indicates the symbolic aspect of Rakhsh in the social perspectives of the artists and indicate a conceptual connection with the Shahnameh literature and other visual elements in the paintings.


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