Identity and Architecture of IRI Academy of Persian Language and Literature in Abbasabad, Tehran

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of sociology, Faculty of social sciences, Tehran University, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Sociology, faculty of social sciences, Tehran university, Tehran, Iran


Monuments of different historical periods are constantly being interpreted and reinterpreted. architectural monuments specifically contain different forms of human life and the meaning they give to it and endeavour to disclose these meanings through buildings and spaces gives a more accurate image of people's life world. The architectural buildings of the Iranian academies of literature is located in the Abbas Abad district of Tehran. One of the most important architectural competitions after the 1979 revolution in Iran was held for the design of these buildings. The analysis of the works of this competition shows that both the jury and the selected architects are under the influence of a certain current of thought, which are known as Nativists. Each of the selected designs contains elements with reference to a certain historical period which could be identified as Iranian or Islamic Architecture which is in contradiction with modern approaches. On the other hand, despite the chasm of 1979, identity-oriented ideas in Iranian architecture still remains strong. Nowadays, despite the modernist claims of architects, in many architectural circles and classes, Iranian authentic identity is still problematic. This article aims to provide a sociological critique of the ideas underling these monumental buildings,. Considering the sensitive and critical issue of constructed identities in today's world, we tried to analyse the scattered and dusty facts and thoughts that make up our image of ourselves today.


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