Postcolonial Reading of Exodus to the West in Arabic Novels Based on The Racial-Cultural Identity Development Model of “Derald Wing Sue” and “David Sue”

Document Type : Research Paper


assistant professor of Farabi Campus - University of Tehran


Travel to the west can be considered as most frequent theme of Arabic post-colonial novels. Story material of this novels follows uniform narration line and homogeneous cognitive narrative functions which almost repeat in all of them. In this category of novels, main character experience Vicissitudinous travel to the west countries (almost France, England and USA). This travel starts from Infatuation to west civilization and imitation of values agreed by the majority, and after confrontation with this values and resistance to them (by two Freudian mechanisms of “displacement” and “regression”), it finally either leads to introversion or self-migration or leads to self-actualization and maturity of an individual thorough wisdom realizing of “self” position among majority. This research while explain behavioral process of these Characteristics and to explain and investigate this process based on five step racial-cultural identity development model of Derald Wing Sue and David Sue. Results of this research proof that this theory is consistent to behavioral patterns of Arabic stories characteristics in travel to the west. However, some differences and conflictions derived from unique circumstances of Arabic communities, violent experience of west colonial in Arabic world and Arabic-Islamic valuable and great history and tradition, are found during this five steps model.


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