Sociological Approach to Mission of Committed Artist; Case Study: Painting of Islamic Awakening Movement


Semnan University of Medical Sciences, Semnan, Iran


The mission of the artist and the role of art in society is one of the constant questions of art that has been discussed among academicians since beginning of the contemporary art history. The spectrum begins with the art for art sake theory and continues to the l’art utile theory. The research question is what are the differences between the general and special audience perceptions of the concept of the beauty of artwork? The case study includes 10 samples that have been selected from the paintings of the Islamic Awakening Movement. Participants in the test were divided into two groups: 1- Special audience: The professional artists and and the professional art lovers. 2- General audience: Public interested in the works of the Islamic Awakening Movement. In this test, Cronbach's alpha method is used to calculate reliability. The population includes 404 participants including 173 participants in the first group; and 231 participants in the second group. The results of the research emphasize that just as friendship with people and special attention to the status of the artist and his cultural and social mission has been the key to the eternity and permanence of Islamic art. In order to fulfill its social mission, a committed artist needs to design and produce works that are comprehensible to the general public while observing artistic concepts, principles and values.


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