Representation of love in Iranian pop music




The study seeks to provide an analysis of quality of love representation in Iranian pop music. Methodology is qualitative and method is content analysis. Statistical sample of the study is published albums of 10 features of the most popular pop singers in Iran, and unit of analysis in this study is full text of each song, and melody and music and musical instrument used in the carols are not paid attention. Data analysis method is also thematic analysis. Conceptual framework of this research is based on Bowman's Liquid-Love theory and Giddens Pure Relationship. Results and findings suggest that the perspective presented of love in Persian pop music has features such as being meta-family, randomness, instability, repeatability, be noncommittal, eroticism and terrestriality, ending with hatred, love as a released and public experience, parity of lover and beloved, de-sexualization of love, love as a memory of connection and bitter of love experience. It can be said that love in Persian pop music conforms to Giddens and Bowman's descriptions of postmodern love. Of course, heterosexuality in Iranian love is the only distinction of image of love in these songs with Liquid Love and Pure Relationship.


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