Warography (Aesthetics and semantics of the letters of the warriors of the Iran-Iraq war)

Document Type : Research Paper



The Iran-Iraq war began on September 22,‌ 1980. According to commentators and researchers, this war was the most serious and difficult war since World War II, and from this point of view, it is one of the most horrific wars of erosion in modern times and the longest in the history of third world countries. Letters from warriors at various times during the war are one of the most important documents left. Despite the unique features and structure of this war, no extensive studies have been conducted in Iran, especially in the field of anthropology of art, no study has been done on the letters of the warriors. Therefore, in this article, the aesthetic and semantic dimensions of the warriors 'letters were studied from the perspective of art anthropology. The main question was in order to identify the aesthetic and semantic dimensions of the warriors' letters of the Iran-Iraq war. More than 50 warrior letters were read during various periods of the war. Findings show that the aesthetic dimension of images and printed writings of letters is to produce and reproduce the dominant discourse of war, which is often a display of spatial, religious, political and national identities. Semantics of images, writings show that the dominant discourse of war pays special attention to religious identity It is also identified with the events of the beginning of Islam, especially the wars of that time with the Iran-Iraq war in the aesthetic and semantic dimensions of the letters. Me and the other in the semantics of the text and writings of the warriors to the two poles opposite me Muslim and the other enemy of the infidel is being produced and reproduced.


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