We and Afghans! Representation of Afghan Immigrants in Contemporary Iranian Plays with a Postcolonial Approach

Document Type : Research Paper




People go from one homeland to another and live there: this is a simple definition of a complex subject. The presence of these people in a second country creates a kind of literature, which is called "immigration literature". This literature was created either by the immigrants themselves or by the authors of the second country and, as a mirror, reflects the various aspects of the immigrants' lives and the way the host society treats them. One of the ways to understand the type of confrontation of a resident community and the way in which it humiliates immigrants is to refer to the art and literature of that community. The presence of Afghan immigrants in Iran has caused the reaction of the Iranian society towards them and this issue has been reflected in Iranian literary and artistic works. A review of three plays: Rooster (Mohammad Rahmanian), Without milk and sugar (Hamid Amjad) and Without Saying Goodbye (Naghmeh Samini) shows that, first, Iranian writers have paid attention to the presence of Afghans in their country and The basis of this presence is the creation of works, and secondly, the form and content of these works reflect the kind of view based on postcolonial theory and also the contemptuous view of a part of Iranian society towards Afghan immigrants.


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