The social semiotics of the Hariri authorities, based on Pierre Giroux's theory


1 Associate Professor Department of Arabic Language and Literature Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz-Iran

2 phd student of Arabic Language and Literature Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz-Iran


Semiotics, as a research method in understanding the meanings, studies and analyzes the signs and their meanings. In this sense, social phenomena are not meaningful in themselves, but are embedded in a network of meanings and have a cultural context. Hariri (446-516 AH) is a pioneer of authority in Arabic literature. Pierre Giroux considers social signs as two types of identity and social customs. The present study has attempted to study the social cues in twenty elementary Hariri's empires based on the semiotic method, based on Pierre Giroux's theory. The findings of the study indicate that social semiotics has evolved into two categories of identity and social customs and has been reflected in various forms in terms of factors such as food, clothing, clothing, environment and moods, and so on. It expresses a variety of signs and attention to the socio-cultural conditions of society's dominant environment, as well as factors such as: the class divide between the upper and lower classes in food and clothing, the occupation, the cultural interplay between the persons of society by the characters in the stories. Paying attention to religious-belief aspects, reflecting social events and problems, applying signs of places, names, and titles to the topics discussed in Hariri officials have reflected. Research Methodology My descriptive analysis.


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