An Analysis of Banknote Motifs of Iran after the Islamic Revolution According to Reflection Approach in Sociology of the Art

Document Type : Research Paper


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2 Department of Art, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Art, Islamic Azad University Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran


The present research is devoted to the analysis of banknote motifs after the Islamic revolution scenes as part of the reflection approach in sociology of the art. This approach examines any social developments and their reflection in works of art. Accordingly, the main question is what effect the social developments after the Islamic Revolution had on the formation and variety of banknote designs and to what extent they represent these events. To achieve the goal of the research, the designs of 35 banknotes from 1979 to 2017 were examined and adapted to the social changes of the banknote printing periods. The results show that after the orders of the great founder of the Islamic Revolution to dismantle the works and symbols of Taghut, all these elements were removed from the banknotes and social changes such as the formation of constructive jihad, people's marches during the Islamic Revolution, The liberation of Khorramshahr, nuclear Iran, the growth of science and technology, as well as the borrowing of the components desired by the government from the religion of Islam have been evident in the design of Iranian banknotes after the revolution, and their reflection can be seen in these works. The present research is based on the fundamental purpose, methodological and historical, and descriptive-analytic. The method of collecting information has been the library and field practices.


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