
Document Type : Research Paper


1 Tehran university

2 Master Student, Sociology Group, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Tehran


The main question of this dissertation is what changes are taking place in the relations of music production in Iran in the 1950s, when protest music emerged as an independent genre? The 50's is a decade known as the decade of the birth of protest music in Iran. To answer this question, using the key concepts that are important for the theoretical payment of the research, we have first defined the concept of protest music and then explained the reason for choosing the fifties as the period of this research. Protest music, which has its roots in the West and begins in the 1960s, changes relations with music production in Iran as it enters Iran. In the research methodology, Pierre Bourdieu's developmental structuralism is used, which examines the formation and development of the protest music sub-field at three levels: the level of relations within the field, the level of habits of field actors and the level of field relations with other fields. Special power field. In this research, we have tried to provide an accurate picture of the coordinates of this field to understand the relationships within it, using these three levels of analysis used by Bourdieu. The result of the research can be explained in this way that in the formation and development of the protest music sub-field in Iran in the 1950s, the way the field of power deals with music and activists active in this field plays a very fundamental factor. . Also, technological advances in recording processes are among the hardware factors influencing these developments. The basic characteristics of Iranian society as a society of protest music are also in special circumstances, and the growth of urbanization, the growth of the educated young population, as well as international political pressure on the government in some cases of human rights resulting from political repression They are all factors that shape the context of the evolution of protest music in this period.


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