Mechanism of encountering with other in the play ā-yi bā kulāh ā-yi bī kulāh Based on cultural semiotics approach

Document Type : Research Paper


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2 Sadeq Rashidi: P.h.D in Art Studies. Faculty Member at Farhangian University, Assistant Professor, Department of Art Education. Tehran. Iran.

3 M.A in Dramatic Literature. Faculty of Cinema and Theater of Art University. Tehran. Iran


The present study that is carried out using the analytical approach of the cultural semiotics is a play that is written in the context of the modern Iranian dramatic literature and it reviews its theatrical structure in the semiotic sphere of the 14th century SH. as an intercultural phenomenon using cultural semiotics. Considering the presence of the European/Central American culture as the cultural 'Other' in the mentioned century, the ways of dealing with this 'Other' in the post-colonial space have been explained and reviewed. In the present study, the Sāedi’s approach for the cultural translation of theater from the cultural sphere of Western theater and the mechanism of encountering the diachronic and synchronic 'Others' have been studied by the analysis of the mechanism of absorption and exclusion in the play ā-yi bā kulāh ā-yi bī kulāh. The post-colonial study of this mechanism in Saedi's work indicates that the mechanism of Sāedi's confrontation with the 'Other' is a mechanism that considers the fear of the 'Other' and its danger as a presupposition and by excluding a part of the diachronic culture as the traditions and excluding the parts of the 'Other' from it, as well as excluding the dominant and formal discourse of power, suggests the confrontation with the 'Other' based on the consciousness.


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