Revisiting Travel Writing in Sociology of Culture

Document Type : Research Paper



The focus of this article is on travelogues as a neglected source in sociological studies in general and in studies of sociology of culture in particular. For understanding the complex and intertwined relationships of today's societies, it is necessary to focus on the historical context of the formation and development of modern societies. By emphasizing the views of the German anthropologist and sociologist, Michael Harbsmeier, this article tries to present travelogues as one of the most important historical sources and also points out the importance and relevance of these texts in understanding the pre-history of modern, contemporary societies. In this paper, it will also be claimed, that, comparing to other historical materials, this literary genre is the most important and relevant source for depicting the series of important sociocultural changes occurred during the eighteenth century. In this point of view, instead of applying travel accounts as a historical source for understanding foreign cultures, this media will be a representation of the traveler’s own culture and society and more precise: social formations. It will also serve as the most proper medium for investigating processes of drawing boundaries and constructing identities during the early modern era. At the end, there will be an excursion about Persian travelogues to Europe in 19th century, and their relevance for sociological studies.


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