a study of national identity representation in Iranian cinema

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Tarbiat modares university

2 Assistant Professor/ Tarbiat Modares University

3 tarbiat modares university


This paper aims to analyze the plausible scenario of the glass agency an acclaimed film by Ebrahim Hatamikia, Captain khurshi and A seperation. This analysis aims to discover the representation of Iranian national identity and to understand Iranian cinemas capabilities in representing national identity. This study chooses to analyze this particular film (the glass agency)
This study reviews sociologist views of Iranian national identity. Theorists like Daryoush Shaygan, Shahrokh Maskoub, Davar Sheikhavandi, Mohammadreza Tajik, Taqi Azad Armaki, and Pirouz Mojtahedzade to grasp the fundamental concept of national identity. These theorists believe that Iranian national identity has its own components and every one of them points out the most primary ones that describe national identity. This study will search these essential components in the script of mentioned movies. To achieve this goal, initially, we should recognize the leading character. Then based on his or her conflict with other principal characters, environment or any other issues, we will summarize the script to fundamental conflicts of the leading character. After that, the elusive quest for appropriate representation of Iranian national identity will begin in these twelve conflicts.
This academic research reasonably concludes that most of these particular conflicts adequately represent at least one key component of national identity. Hence, it is appropriate to say that a cinematic work of art is capable of representing Iranian national identity even with narrative, structural and story resemblances to the western cinema.


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