Studying the Effect of Photography on Paintings of Sarem al-Dawlah Building in Kermanshah during the Nassereddin Shah Qajar Period"

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professer at Alzahra University

2 Master of Painting, Al-Zahra University


Saram al-Dawlah is one of the most important Qajar monuments located in the historic city of Kermanshah. It belongs to Prince Sarem al-Dawlah, the eldest son of Imad al-Dawlah, built during the Qajar period and during the reign of Nasser al-Din Shah. In addition to the original Iranian architecture, the Sarem al-Dawlah house has beautiful murals in the west-facing five-door room. These murals have epic, romantic and decorative themes that are framed with a rich mix of Iranian and European art. Many factors, including social factors, have contributed to the formation of these works, one of the most important being the introduction of a photographic camera into Iran during the Qajar era that influenced all aspects of Nasserian culture and art. The hypothesis of the present study is to study the effect of photography on the Qajar period and its effect on Sarem al-Dawlah. During this period, various social factors such as contact with Europe, Nasser al-Din Shah's three trips to Europe, the proliferation of pictorial newspapers, and the introduction of photography into Iran were among the major cultural developments of the Qajar period that influenced Qajar painting. The paintings of the Sarem al-Dawlah building are also affected by this as a courtyard emirate, all of the room murals in the Sarem al-Dawlah building have been worked in a blend of Iranian-European style, indicating the impact of these developments. In the search for this issue, the key issues of photography and iconography in the Qajar court are first discussed and then the impact of photography on the paintings. The content of this study is qualitative and is based on a descriptive-analytical methodology and a library collection method. The results indicate that photography is one of the most important influences on the art of iconography.


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