a Semiotic Analysis of the poverty in the Iranian cinema

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD student, Tehran university of art

2 Assistant Professor, Tehran University of Arts


This study aims to answer the question that how the image of the poverty is constructed in the Iranian movies? In order to achieve the purpose, a movie, which have been selected by purposive sampling method and could have been a representative for a large groups of movies, have been analyzed through the "Semiotic Analysis" method and considering the “Barthes” theory of “Myth” and “Bauman”, “Baudrillard”, “Galbraith” analysis of poor in consumer society. Some of the results show that this movie tries to naturalize the inequality and maintain status quo by constructing the myth of “irrational poor”, myth of “ guilty poor” and myth of “Scary other poor”. These myths shift the blame on the poor and reduce the poverty to a psychological issue and make it historyless.
This study aims to answer the question that how the image of the poverty is constructed in the Iranian movies? In order to achieve the purpose, a movie, which have been selected by purposive sampling method and could have been a representative for a large groups of movies, have been analyzed through the "Semiotic Analysis" method and considering the “Barthes” theory of “Myth” and “Bauman”, “Baudrillard”, “Galbraith” analysis of poor in consumer society. Some of the results show that this movie tries to naturalize the inequality and maintain status quo by constructing the myth of “irrational poor”, myth of “ guilty poor” and myth of “Scary other poor”. These myths shift the blame on the poor and reduce the poverty to a psychological issue and make it historyless.


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