factors Affecting the Aesthetic Perception of Art (Case Study: Two Faculties of Shiraz University in 1397)

Document Type : Research Paper


Department of Art, Faculty of Arts and Architecture, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran


One of the key issues for further understanding the field of art is the explanation of issues that cause differences and similarities in the reactions of the audience of artwork. One of the influential factors in this field is the perception and reception of such works by the audience. Perception is the process of identifying and processing information that comes from sensory organs. In the field of art, the aesthetic perception plays an important role, which, along with the philosophical approach, also utilizes sociological and psychological approaches in this field. In the present study, the study of the similarities and differences between aesthetic perception among students of the School of Art & Architecture and the School of Engineering has been investigated. In fact, the purpose of this research is to determine the social factors (age, gender, social class, ethnicity, connection with the world of art) affecting the aesthetic perception. Its method, in terms of its purpose, is practical, in terms of its nature, is exploratory, and in terms of its data collection, is descriptive-survey. In this research, the Q-sort method has also been used; the research method of Q is used to understand the individuals’ minds about different subjects. One of the important findings of this research is how the students of art employed aesthetic expressions differently from other students. The resulting factor loads indicate a significant difference between the participants according to the artistic background and the presence of another person who works in the field of art in the family.


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