Probing of Social Fields Effecting on the Acts of Innovative of Seni' Olmolk (Father of Iranian press graphic)

Document Type : Research Paper


Assistant Professor in Art and Architecture Faculty of Avicenna University


Seni’ Olmolk played a key role in transition of this art from traditional to modern so that he can be called the Father of Iranian press graphic.The current paper is theoretically inspired by art sociology. It uses analytic methodology and library data and study of pictorial documents. This paper mainly aims at stating that although there was nothing as graphic in Qajar period, political, cultural, and industrial evolutions reflective of interactions with Europe, such as arrival and promotion of printing technique, the art of photography, European press and eventually production of Iranian press created circumstances to enable the realization of new graphics aspects specially press graphic with the endeavor of Abolhassan Ghaffari. In summary, this article tries to suggest that creation path of various arts including graphic design is not a one-dimensional process or merely based on individual efforts and genius of artists, but a social product and reflective of the society's upheavals which is complementary to symbiosis of that genius and efforts with structures of the society. According to the data from the research, it can be argued that not only has design graphic in Iran not formed at once without any background,but also it is the reflection of the implicit relations modernization of Iran happened in Gajar Era.


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