Representation of self-identity and the other in ISIS's propaganda video in cyberspace

Document Type : Research Paper


1 MSc Social Communication

2 PHD of Islamic history of iran


ISIS, as a reactionary and pre-modern group in the religious and social spheres,
seeks to self-identity through the use of cyberspace and modern communication facilities. So, by making various propaganda films and publishing them in cyberspace, he seeks to change the views of the international community, turning himself into a terrorist affiliated and reactionary group and becoming a self-contained group. And become idealistic goals.
The purpose of the present study is to examine how ISIS's group identifies different aspects of one's identity and another in cyberspace. Therefore, the present study seeks to answer the question of how the representation of one's own and another's identity by ISIS in propaganda films published in cyberspace, using the theory of representation and stereotyping. In this study, the qualitative description of the signs in the clips was systematically performed, and the qualitative content analysis of the films was coded in three stages.
The statistical population of the present study is available promotional videos that were selected from the existing samples by purposeful sampling and based on research goals. The findings extracted from the clips showed various signs and concepts that illustrated the identity of the other and the identity of the other on the basis of stereotyping, depicting the structure of the ISIS in stereotyping the right and desirable identities, as well as dealing with the enemy in a negative and biased approach. Based on the distinction of self-identity, he defined the enemy's stereotype in a format that had no boundaries in common with self-identity.


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