yAvant-garde tastes and cultural differentiation; an granded theory among the youth of Tehran

Document Type : Research Paper


Facultyof Social Sciences of Yazd University/Iran


The consumption of avant-garde films has various functions in social relationships. The purpose of this study is to discover the experience and experience of consumption this kind of films in young people aged 25 to 40 in Tehran in 1397. The research methodology is the granded theory of Strass and Corbin (2006). The data were collected through a deep interview with 15 people through targeted sampling. For data analysis, the open, selective, and axial coding has been used. The result of the research showed that the consumption of avant-garde films involves four categories of dissent, meaning, specific taste, and excellence. In fact, the taste of consumption these films and membership in particular groups is not related to family and family relations. The concept of the present study is cultural differentiation, which means that participants in the research have chosen the cultural field as a place for reproduction of social distinction. The concept of the constructed study is cultural differentiation, which means that participants in the research have chosen the cultural field as a place for reproduction of social distinction. In addition, the consumption of avant-garde films affects their personal and private lives and helps promote meaning in their lives. More theoretical discussions are proposed in this regard and in relation to the context of Iranian society.


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