"Rebirth": Qualitative study of the emerging phenomenon of modern handicrafts in networks era

Document Type : Research Paper


1 university of tehran

2 دانشگاه تهران


This exploratory study of the emerging phenomenon of modern handicrafts in social networks era in Iran. In this article, we are looking for the answer to the main question, what is the emerging phenomenon of modern handicrafts, which the creators call brand, and what's dimensions they have?
For this purpose, the precise and comprehensive description of the longitudinal and observational study with three years of netnography is presented about about more than 700 modern handicraft brands active in cyberspace. This comprehensive description includes several sections. First, it was explained about the beginning and the process of the formation of the primary core of the handicrafts brands in Facebook as a marketplace, and then the transfer to the Instagram and Telegram environment. Then, the emergence of a modern handicrafts network market, including brand creators(artizana), followers and consumers of brands, modern shops and galleries of crafts, websites for the supply of branded products at home and abroad, exhibitions, charities and festivals, and finally the field of activity and The name of modern brands has been mentioned. The results of this study show that the fourth wave of innovation in the field of handicrafts in the form of the emerging phenomenon of modern handicrafts is an result of the expansion of social / virtual networks. This new phenomenon has been shaped and developed with the economic activity of youth, especially women, and these brands are a form of art entrepreneurship based on social networks.


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