The Analysis of the Novel "I will turn off the lights" Based on Muted Group Theory

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Communication, Faculty of Social Science, University of Tehran Tehran, Iran

2 Ph.D Candidate in Communication, faculty of Social Sciences, university of Tehran, Tehran, Iran


According to the muted group theory, domination of men in society is manifested in man-made structure of language, and women cannot express themselves in this language; thus, they become a muted group. This article aims to find out whether based on the muted group theory by Kramarae and the rhetoric of domination theory by Starhawk, are there any dominant strategies in the novel of "the lights, I'll turn off" by Zoya Pirzad and, if there is which groups are included? It also investigates empowered actions used by groups under domination to resistance against the dominant system. In this regard, seven sections selected from this novel have been analyzed using quantitative content analysis and rhetorical analysis. The study results suggest that withdrawal and manipulation are the main strategies in the relationship between men and women within the novel. In this novel, the muted group does not merely include women, and in some cases, the novel characters are not necessarily in a dominant or under domination position permanently. It seems that Pirzad's view to the muted group is beyond gender, and place of residence and class can be a basis for formation of these groups. In this novel, Pirzad has also considered empowered actions in muted groups.


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