The Representation of the Mothers of the Missing Martyrs in the Holy Defense Cinema; The Study of the 143 Rays and Kissing on the Moon

Document Type : Research Paper


1 استادیار گروه مطالعات فرهنگی دانشکده رفاه تهران

2 کارشناسی ارشد تبلیغ و ارتباطات فرهنگی دانشگاه سوره


This qualitative research examines the role of the mothers of missing martyrs in 143 movie and kissing on the moon. In this regard, it has been attempted to analyze the two films using qualitative content analysis method. The results of this analysis show that the role of the mothers of the missing martyrs in the two 143 film and kissing the moon can be divided into five main roles (supportive, ethical, religious, emotional, educational, and political). In the supporting role of issues such as meeting the biological needs, protecting from danger and preventative care, in the dimension of ethical roles such as practical guidance, attention to the barriers to growth, attention to religious values, in the religious role of subjects such as the creation of religious habits, practice religious themes - Iranian-Islamic values, rituals and beliefs in the dimension of the educational role of views such as learning science and correct answers to questions and in the political role of topics such as political orientation and evaluation of the system, including the components and subfields derived from A research that collectively represents the conceptual components of the role of the mothers of the missing martyrs in Fayy These are the same.


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