Recognition of the Identity of Tehran Based on the Readings of Architectural Developments from Fictional literature of Iran

Document Type : Research Paper


It`s impossible to promote the field of history and culture of any country without close reading of facts. The purpose of this study is to identify the historical and cultural evolution of Tehran architecture since early Qajar era, to enhance architectural identity of Tehran. In this study, Iranian fiction is used as the source of identity and recognition of architecture.
The aim of this study is to investigate the historical and cultural identity of the Tehran- architectural based on descriptions of literary short and tall stories and novels.
Analysis techniques were also used to analyze novels. Accordingly, the main research question is that based on the literary documents what is the process of trends and transformation of the Tehran architecture since early Qajar.
The method of article, according to historical documents, research methods, and historical documents is an interpretation. The qualitative analysis techniques were used to analyze the novels.
To collect and identify samples, population and clustering to determine the final resource for validation samples went to the professors in this area, and units of analysis examined.
The results of study show that Review architecture of Tehran, from the viewpoint of Iranian fiction indicates the different aspects of remarks and innovation. Among the very few filmmakers in addressing the issue of bias points and issues of architecture and the architectural identity, being different aspects spaces directly outside to see a real and exaggerated architectural, as well as new sources that were considered less by architects and urban planners, highlights can verify the identity of Iranian architecture and the changes in different periods of time the valve is literature.


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