From Stereotype to Education

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Tehran University



During the past decades, AIDS has made many victims in Iran. The media representation of this Iranian society issue in the artistic and media works, has been effective on society's view of the disease. This article aims to study the representation of HIV/AIDS and those who are affected by it on Iranian television, focusing on the "Paria" TV series; which in addition to dramatizing some aspects of the prevalence of HIV in Iranian society, had an educational approach to this disease. 23 sequences were selected for analyzing the semantic layers in them using the John Fiske’s semiotics. The presented signs of HIV and AIDS patients in three levels were analyzed. The findings of this study show although "Paria" is far from realistic in the representation of AIDS and Some of its educations have faults, the TV series contains a more empathetic approach to AIDS patients, departing from conventional television stereotypes in this field. The TV series also focuses on the emotional and psychological support of families among the various components of the treatment, and less attention was paid to drug therapies.


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