The Reflection of Discursive Change in Iranian Middle Class in Asghar Farhadi’s Films

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of Tarbiat Modares University

2 Graduated of Degree of Master of Art (M.A.) in Cinema, Department of Cinema, Faculty of Art and Architecture, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran


Regarding Critical Discourse Analysis approach based on the theories of Norman Fairclough, this article is concerned about the class status of individuals of characters in Firework Wednesday (2006), About Elly (2009), A Separation (2011). Representation of class status of characters has made from macro-pattern of political economy, based on Erick Olin Wright’s theories in production and consumption of these films. Relations of power in social structures and proceeding related to development of Iran, lead to class gap and unequal enjoyment of amenities in the period of making and exhibition of these films, and we see such this representation.
After declaring of middle class and under-class distinguish based on accessibility of ‘means of production’, skill and management, with the critical discourse analysis, this essay leads to conclusion that, the way of representing characters in above mentioned movies, is a kind of reproduction of the relativist dominant ideological discourse, and is in contrast with the marginalized of society and sees them as a threat.
Using library resources and interpretive analysis method and after description assortment of Iran’s urban middle class, this research leads to this conclusion that, the way of representing characters in above mentioned movies, is a kind of reproduction of the relativist dominant ideological discourse, and is in contrast with the marginalized of society and sees them as a threat.


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