Sociological Aesthetic Evaluation of Women Traditional Dress in Desert Areas of Iran: a focused study on natural & cultural Geographies

Document Type : Research Paper


Sociological –Aesthetic Evaluation on the Traditional Clothes of Women in Desert Areas of Iran

This paper analyzes the traditional clothes of Iranian women from sociological- aesthetic view point and regardless of historical viewpoint. The paper focuses on the functions of women traditional clothes in desert areas of Iran. The theoretical framework of paper is based on the functionalism and sociology of clothes. The research method is based on qualitative approach and research information has been gathered through library documentaries and field observation of different traditional clothes of women in Qom, Semnan, Isfahan, Abyaneh, Yazd, Kerman, Southern Khorasan, and Sistan & Balouchestan Areas. Based on these data, four basic factors: “geography, culture, religion and job” on the formation of different clothes was studied and their effects on the structural model and visual decorations of clothes, was described. It is assumed that mentioned factors have been affective on the design type and decoration of women clothes in desert areas. The results show that most important element affecting on the form, design and texture of women traditional clothes in desert areas of Iran is natural environment and secondly is cultural geography. The religion and job are the most important in the third and fourth levels.


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