Artwork as an ideological response

Document Type : Research Paper



August of 1941 coincided with the Reza Shah’s exile and opening of the cultural and political environment in Iran. The Tudeh Party gained more power, albeit it owed its power to the presence of former Soviet Unions troops in Iran during World War II. After withdrawal of Soviet troops from Iran, members and supporters of the party wondered what would happen to the party and its members and supporters. As a result, they were motivated to take an immediate action to overthrow the Kingdom regime and seize complete power over the whole nation. Party leadership rejected the idea and called for tolerance and patience. Ebrahim Golestan in a seven pack short stories named December the last monthof autumn, artistically, has expressed the party’s response to the above mentioned situation. Using the theory of reflection, the aim of this paper is to show that the conditions and expectations of the party members are implicitly reflected in this artwork. We claim that, despite the author's use of new narrative styles, he still uses the forms of expression of socialist realism school of literature. Furthermore, we suggest this book ideologically legitimate the responses supported by the Tudeh party.


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