Iranian family as presented in five Persian novels

Document Type : Research Paper


Social and economic structures in Iran underwent much change in the 1960s and the 2000s. In the 1960s Mohammad Reza Pahlavi launched a reform called “White Revolution” or “Revolution of the Shah and Nation”. His goal was to transform Iran from an undeveloped feudal society to a developed and capitalist one. Again at the 2000s, when reformists gained the power, the existing discourses fundamentally changed. Women and the social demands of the new middle class were the center of attention. One of the common guidelines of these two decades was the acceleration of developments. Family, as one of the most significant social organizations, has been affected by these social and economic developments, too. In this paper we attempt to address these particular changes. A narrative analysis has been adopted as the methodology of this investigation. We attempt to illustrate Iranian family as shown in five Persian novels written in two decades of accelerated changes. By using representation theory, we attempted to discover a connection between the text’s level and the social-economic hyper text’s level. The results demonstrate a kind of crumbling family.  At the end we conclude that the hasty developments lead to family decay.


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