Investigated the colonization of Rman Simin Daneshvar

Document Type : Research Paper


Colonized and the colonizers, especially in the third world country Mvzv‌Hay one of the most important writers of contemporary history that is often given a place in it. Simin Daneshvar, including writers who have explored this issue in his Dastan‌Hay. In this study the issue of colonialism and the island Rman‌Hay wandering, wandering camel driver and Leaves of Grass analytical methods have been studied.
Addressing the social and cultural programs, colonial states such as schools, Anjmn‌Ha and parties to promote colonial culture, the most important issue of the Journal. Colonial countries through language, art, architecture and family My‌Kvshnd colonies from their native culture poor people and to humiliate their culture, their culture, their preferred alternative; cultural population to those without mobility the political and social events turn.
Being a puppet rulers, established parties and Sazman‌Ha, the power of the people, eliminate opponents, assassination, Jbhh‌Hay anti-colonial, colonial ties with the countries of colonialism, including political issues that are in the works Made reflected. Journal of economic issues and less attention Asharh‌Hayy has become the country to foreign goods.He has worked as indirectly through the figures and literary techniques, and strategies Vaqyt‌Hay represent the cultural, political and economic colonialism highlight for our readers.Countries that are culturally Astmagr to promote their culture including art, architecture, language, culture and national Karbran‌Shan worthless colonial countries in terms of their effectsThey play in the context of family propaganda Arzsh‌Hayy leading to the disintegration of the family in this country evenly. Daneshvar's also the political role of the colonial countries have shown interest.Parties, political institutions, creating a conflict between different segments of society, bringing people into the ranks of the political Mnsb‌Hay, conflict of interests between the colonial countries, the fight against colonial powers and their impact on the lives of indigenous people, including issues Simin Daneshvar, which examines the policy is paid.Journal of economic issues received less attention has become more of a market for foreign goods hinted.Through his artistic arrangements created especially Shkhsyt‌Hay fiction and dialogue between them, these issues have been highlighted for its readers. Shkhsyt‌Hay Dastan‌Hay he somehow reflect colonial ideas, for instance the story of the island wandering bon symbol of women in family relations My‌Pzyrnd impact of Western ideas and their families breakdown ‌Shvnd.
The story of the men and Krasly Shkhsyt‌Hayy Tavassoli are intended to promote national culture and native West play through them down evenly. Shkhsyt‌Hayy such as pick-and thus means a member of the Party for the sake of their own political party My‌Kvshnd. The dialogue between art and cultural programs colonialist seeks singer Salim meanings. A. Khan embodies Shkhsyt‌Hayy through colonial dependency to your desired position My‌Rsnd. Brocade chat with Khanvadh‌Ash, this result suggests that Southern culture is taught comes Asmargr countries, thereby eliminating the native language and culture, or of secondary importance lie in the colonial culture and promote ‌ .he story of the men and Krasly Shkhsyt‌Hayy Tavassoli are intended to promote national culture and native West play through them down evenly.novelist, colonialism, culture, politics and economics
