Qualitative Analysis of Popular Music and Construction of Social Capital

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant professor of sociology at the University of Mazandaran

2 MA. of Youth Studies, University of Mazandaran


Popular music has various functions in social intreactions. This study tries to answer the questions, “what are the roles of popular music in creating and developing social capital?” and through what mechanisms it leads to the generation of social capital?” The research method used in this study was qualitative including grounded theory strategy.
The research data were collected through in-depth interviews. The population of the study consisted of 18 students from Payame Noor University of Piranshahr through theoretical and purposive sampling. After the interviews were conducted with this sample size, theoretical saturation was reached. The results showed that individual concepts of the universe and their social interactions as a result of the consumption of popular music has a significant role and positive functions in social interactions. Also, popular music has a unique role in creating and developing social capital by creating and preserving family relations calming family environment, creating and developing social reconciliation, promoting social tolerance and patience and creating trust.


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