Separation and lies: Sociological analysis of the movie "Separation"

Document Type : Research Paper


1 A in Sociology (Kharazmi uni), M.A in anthropology (Tehran uni)

2 M.A in Sociology (Kharazmi uni), M.A in Social Work (Allame Tabatabae uni).

3 M.A in Sociology (Kharazmi uni)

4 Ph.D in Cultural Policy (Kharazmi uni).


An artwork, in addition to its association with the community in which it is created stable states, and such action is accepted by society, society is trying to refine it. The "film", story, characters, social events, places, and coverage can be drawn from the community and at the same time, arrange the parts together, it can be a tool for the representation of what the artist wants to say, a means of protection, or cash and denial of society. You can power relations, gender relations, social change, social values that brings together community members, making economic and social rights and other social phenomena in the atmosphere detailed search of a film. "The aim of the sociology of art, the effect of implicit and explicit meanings for it, and then linking these meanings in contemporary society was to build. In this approach, understanding the meaning of a work of art can recognize social content (at the macro-level, intermediate and longer) in the community.
The film "A Separation" is a film about the universal lie in the community. All truth not told, to cover part of it, and lie to get out of a situation in which they are incurred, or to achieve personal interests. The community is represented in the film, rather than the truth, morality and get stressed, lies in the structural transformation and liberation mechanisms and forms of community relations. Hence, this film traces that can be viewed and to examine the sociological concern the recognition of this community acquired social gaps. In this article, we used narrative analysis and semiotics, also we checked capitals (to position the character class) and qualitative content analysis based on skill categories Lasswell (to clarify capital and social status of the characters) are used, and in the end we have tried to provide conclusions with regard to the gender of the characters and their relationship be. 
This article attempts to film "A Separation" and through reference to narrative theory, semiotics, various categories of capital and skills to explore the underlying Lasswell provided sociological film. According to the narrative, especially the theory of Vladimir Propp, the narrative of the film "A Separation" is the lack of balance, and increase the height of the crisis, balance. The film "A Separation" by invoking the issue of divorce, which initially appears to be a private affair because of family turmoil, the film refers to the social gaps. The question of separation, at the same time ignoring the question of Assistant separation is possible at any price. the breakdown of the family, the cornerstone of society. Analysis of narrative, character analysis, and evaluation of semiotic film image of class and dignity of the characters are lost. Separation question, a question that has been raised against each of the viewers and they accordingly find themselves in the position to respond to it.
On that, at least for the middle class, Iran, Simin and Nader as a family, the gender gap, the difference between women and men, their place in the political divide, "Citizenship / Farmhouse", ie the difference between the Republican and totalitarianism. The analysis of these families may not be possible to reach the sexual propositions. However, Raziyeh and Hojjat and his family, and later, his sister, as well as gender power relations can be seen.


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