A Sociological Study about the Nima's Barf Poem Based on Shariati’s Viewpoints by Focus on Sorrow

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor in Sociology, Yazd University

2 M.A. in Sociology, Yazd University


The aim of this study was a sociological analysis of Nima’s Barf poem, based on Shariati’s viewpoints in art by emphasise on Sorrow concept. Shariati has a critical-utopian approach bout art-Society relation. He believes that this approach is available in modern art. His definition of modern art, like to Adorno, has an allusion to harbinger art movement in 20 century beginning.  Although Shariati’s viewpoints was influenced by thinkers such as Hegel, Sartre, Camus, Adorno and others, but we can find unique aspects in his thinking. Sorrow was prominent concept in his analysis. He believes the sorrow concept is quality of modern art. Modern art unlike classic types, transfers a kind of grief in audience. This grief takes root in the modern experience of failure that the artist feels it and wants to transfer it. Result of such situation in audience mind is a self-awareness that cautions him of social shortage; shortages that indicate of a situation that must be exist but it isn't. Sorrow results from difference between social facts and ideal social condition. Based on his view, modern art do not reduce to realism, also this is not an amusing art too, but by negation the available conditions, bridging to its utopia. Therefore, utopia in shariati’s viewpoint is the product of art sorrow experience. Barf is an excellent example of this kind of art. The critical- utopian relations of art with the society are visible in this poem. The poem that overall is covered by experience of sorrow and failure, negate the present situation and then by a mythic image, bridging to utopia.


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