The perception and representation of Time in the Iranian Novel (1380 A.H.S case study)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Faculty member of university of Science & Culture

2 MA in Cultural Studies- University of Science & Culture


Base on Cultural Studies’ presuppositions, this article presumes human being’s Time perception to be constructed and cultural rather than inherent and universal; since every specific culture reconstructs its own unique forms of Time and offers them to the belonging individuals as a natural reality. Referring to theories and prior researches, there are three types of Time conception: First, Cyclical Time which belongs to earlier stages of human being’s life integrated with natural cycles and mythical believes. Second, Religious Linear Time ending with resurrection and afterlife and the third is Modern Linear Time which is associated with the notion of death, Modernity and instrumental rationality. Considering three types above, this article is set up for discovering and tracking differed kinds of Time representation through the Iranian novels, hopping to locate the most prominent way of time perception in the context of Iranian culture. Accordingly, by applying thematic analysis, this research intends to study probable Iranian cultural forms of time in the context of 80’s (A.H.S) Iranian novels; which are: The Nocturnal Harmony of Wood Orchestra by Reza Ghasemi, I Turn off theLights by Zoya Pirzad, Don’t You Worry by Mahsa Mohebali and My Bird written by Fariba Vafi.. The results demonstrate two differed time themes. The first theme includes two distinct but intertwined cyclical time forms which are “Returning Past” and “Repetitive Present”; while the second invokes future-oriented and linear concept of time which through, the present and the future dominate the past. The Returning Past represents characters’ experience of floating in the memories and nostalgia which paradoxically tends to be considered a torture as much as a bless. The Repetitive Present is a term for characters’ encounter everyday life boredom and devastating repetition of it. In the context of stories the two mentioned Time moods belong to the protagonists who frequently move between the moods but never manage to find peace neither in the past nor in the present. Unlike the mentioned characters, the deuteragonists (second characters) represent the linear notion of time. They are rather ambitious and self-centered types who are able to enjoy the every moment of present and furthermore plan for the future. The notable point in the all considered novels is the protagonists indicate mixed feelings about the deuteragonists. Mixed feelings of hatred and adoration, criticism and envy. Accordingly, the paper can claim two types of time models, which are Cyclical Time and Modern Linear Time are findable in the texts of Iranian novels, while the role of Religious Linear Time is almost nothing. The Cyclical Time is the main and dominant model, since it is attached to the main characters who are also the narrator of the stories. Although The Modern Linear Time is also distributed throughout the texts, it is represented as an alien Time perception rather than legitimate and acceptable way of reaction to Time. Therefore, the two themes appeared in the four studied novels, present an antithetical binary which through the cyclical theme occupies the superior place and offers repetition and stability rather than change and proceeding, while the Linear image of Time is placed in an inferior position and represented as foreign Time perception, as “The Other”.


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