The Effect of Shiite Mysticism in Traditional Art Case study: Creates Square Inlaid Art from the eighth century AD

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D student in Art Research. Department of Handicrafts , Art University of Esfahan. Esfahan, Iran.

2 Ph.D in Art Research. Associate Professor in faculty of Handicrafts Department, Art University of Esfahan. Esfahan, Iran.

3 Ph.D in Philosophy. Assistant professor in faculty of Philosophy Department, University of Esfahan. Esfahan, Iran.


Influence of Shiite Mysticism in Iran Society between of thirteen to seventeen centuries has affected directly on peoples mind and behavior and it has led that significant practical results in various fields like art. Some recent studies have investigated marginal aspects of formation of these evolutions factors. But the extensive concepts and depth of mystical teachings in Iran society, increases necessity accurate attentionto kind and style of the Shiite intellectual foundations effect in Iranians routine and materials performance that provide practical outcomes from this discussion for use in the present. The importance of scientific research on the formation of an Islamic art, could resolve the ambiguities and find the truth and ritual and historical meaning of art. The "How does the square inlay created?" and "Why this art used the specific motif (Moord) in his first appearance?" among the questions to be answered in this paper. How the rise of the wood square inlaid art, could be a sign of achieving practical results of mental principles of Shiite mysticism. In this study, try to using library and historical research methods and enjoying from objective observation and reasoning, should be evaluated the validity of this hypothesis. Hypothesis is related to maturity and the spread of Shiite gnosis manner with the formation and rise of the art of square inlaid. In other words, it seems that: One of the ethics methods, entitled "Mysticism La (No)", impact on wood decorations, and may give rise to Square Inlay method. Until Fourteenth Century AD., very simple pattern was used in wooden art. This pattern was like a little chess board with nine black and white squares in three rows and three columns. The word "LA" it means NO and in the Islamic and Shiite gnosis means that a man leave all the worldly and material affairs and only attentive to the divine. The art of wood square inlaid, shape of this word is used in the creation of "Moord". Enter the word "La" is a great upgrade to the wooden art and it is founder of the Square Inlay Art. In this context, the main objective of this paper is to answer the questions. The questions such as "How square wood inlay was created?" And "Why is this art in his first appearance used of the specific motif?" Situation of Religious and political in the seventh and eighth centuries AH are causes underlying changes in the social conditions of IRAN. These changes are affects people's art and culture and strengthen spirituality in this country. After that, spiritual beliefs are manifested in some branches of traditional art such as square wood inlay and etc. Finally, it seems that Formation of certain currents of thought centered Spirituality in the fourteenth century, has penetrated the lives of artists which urged him to representation of these teachings in his art. About of wood square inlaid art, and appearance a deep and sacred pattern in this art, historical landmarks supports this possibility and makes consideration the results of this study.


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