The monophony in Iranian society and its reflects in Blind Owl

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Political Sciences, Economy Faculty, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran

2 MA Student, Department of Political Sciences, Economy Faculty, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran


Using the post-formalism as a method, and based on socialinguistics approach, the present article studies Blind Owl as a sociolect and effects of some aspects of Iranain socity texture. Sociolinguistics is the descriptive study of the effect of any and all aspects of society, including cultural norms, expectations, and context, on the way language is used, and the effects of language use on society. Novels, in modern literary criticism, are considered as lingual forms showing, clearly, the bilateral relationship between speech acts and parol forms. Based on this understanding, the novel, as an intentional hybridization of language, creates an artistic image of the various socio-lects existing in competition with each other, just as the sign, is dialogic in nature. So, it is the novel multi-voiced. The authors with emphasis on tripel elements “contextuality, cronotope and dialogue logic” have studied the novel and explaind that unlike common discourse; This novel cronologicaly does not refer to a defined socio-political context in Iranain society. Recently, according to some findings in reserches, the authors have claimed that Blind Owl context comes back to specified priods such as preislamist or Reza Shah dynasty. Based on the presnt research findigs, because of the lack of defined historical elements in Bilnd Owl, it is so hard to retrived a specific historical context. Furthermore, the monologue dominaited in this novel, in fact, should be considered as a social monophony. From this perspective, not a butcher knife in the novel is a symbol of Reza Shah, and not Shahre Ray, bride cities of the world, is the last fortress that was destroyed by nomadic Arabs. Blind Owl, similar to any monologue text, is an internal dialogue of a great writer who was disillusioned from Iranian everyday life. In monologism, ‘truth’, constructed abstractly and systematically from the dominant perspective, is allowed to remove the rights of consciousness. Each subject’s ability to produce autonomous meaning is denied. Qualitative difference is rendered quantitative. This performs a kind of discursive ‘death’ of the other, who, as unheard and unrecognised, is in a state of non-being. The monological word gravitates towards itself and its referential object. The authors in this article claim to have, and contrary to common belief, Bakhtin's polyphonic pattern is not true for Blind Owl by Sadegh Hedayat. The monologue of writher/ narrator shapes the main characteristic of this novel and even sounds of social content that heard from it, have not independent availability and so these voices at least are the echoes of the author's mind. In the final analysis, Blind Owl may reflect some aspects of socioliguistic behaviors, such as reproveing the everyday life and the absence of choronotops in the Iranian society. The chronotope is a concept used in literary theory and philosophy of language to describe how configurations of time and space are represented in language and discourse. This weakness in Iranian socio-political behaviors reveals key issues about the obstacle of democracy and civil socity in Iran. This hypothesis must be considered in further debates.


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