Discourse Analysis Postmodern poem in iran

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor of Persian language and literature Mazandaran university

2 PhD Persian language and literature Mazandaran university


The condition of postmodern is the condition of our current world, which appeared after technology revolution. It’s a universal progress that forms its special shape according to the culture of each society. The frequent view point says creating postmodernism is an intellectual-cultural movement and appearing its rational effects is actually because of European society disappointment of modernism achievements. Critics believe the real result of modern rationality is a critical, mazy, full of terror and unpredictable world. Some prominent philosophers like nitche and haideger  discussed this viewpoint significantly. So a very strong movement was created in west, that is called postmodernism. However this movement is in some views out-and-out continuance of modernism, but it stands against the finality-base, science-base and wisdom-base of modern world.
Iran was influenced with this condition after 40’s and except an interruption because of 1357 revolution grounds and back grounds, it has continued until today. Paying attention to the changes in the different culture of valuation, social … domain in these decades in Iran can be an evidence for the validity of our claim. Persian poem is one of the domains that is influenced by this negotiation condition. In Iran, in 70s decade it was significantly called as postmodern poem progress and become a considerable view in poets’ and authors’ works. But most critics take this progress as an imitation of west poem and assume it as a product translation and tendency to their theory. They believe that it is not genteel because this kind of poem doesn’t have any root in Iranian culture and society.
By choosing the descriptive-annalistic method and using the navigation analysis theory, this study tries to show all principles, which are set by the knowledge of negotiation, about effect of external factors such as culture, policy, economy … are valid about Iran’s postmodern poem; because an important subject like it can not be created mechanical or artificial by injecting translation or imitation only. Even being created in this way, it can’t become a wide and steady progress as it is today. The negotiation study demonstrates Iran had faced to significant changes in these decades which are undeniable signs of overcoming of these negotiations. On one side, in religious and politic thoughts’ domain, some thoughtful like Sariati, Sorush, Khatami, …, who have new  viewpoints, make cracks on Iran religious and thinking tradition of negotiation dam. And on the other side, other politic and social negotiations like Khordad 2nd, introducing the rights of branches, new movements such as feminism, environment and … faces the society with a new kind of thoughts and living experience. Furthermore, economic negotiation which had roles in appearing postmodern movement in west can be seen in Iran now. Problems such as poverty and unemployment, inflation and economic inactivity, financial crisis and consumption culture make a kind of distrust and concerning between citizens. But the most important postmodern dimension of Iranian society can be seen in the creation of new cultural negotiation arising from expanding digital culture like internet, satellite, and cell phone. The changes in values such as tendency to luxury, free behavioral relation, preoccupation toward other cultures, multi identity … are in the special cultural situation and some call it as a critical situation. In this challenging and paradox situation which causes disorder, wandering, lack of stability, and distrust; finalities tremble, abstracts become relative and multiplicity and small narrative replace them


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